Fairview Cemetery
1120 Shelter Valley Rd.
Grafton, Ontario, Canada
Alnwick/Haldimand Township
Northumberland County
Fairview Cemetery is a resting place for deceased persons of any faith or religion.
The Cemetery is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors.
Grave Lots
At Fairview Cemetery, we have two options available:
Lots - 4' x 10'
Niches (Columbarium) - 12" x 12" x 12"
Single Lot
(a single lot can have 1 full burial and/or 4 cremated remains) $ 800.00
Included in this cost, is 40% ($320.00), that goes into a
Care & Maintenance Fund
Cornerstones (set of 4) with last name or initial $ 285.00
Interment Fee (Administration), at time of, per burial $ 150.00
Cremation Ground Openings per opening (cemetery contractor) $ 75.00
Flat Marker installation (10" x 18" or less) (cemetery contractor) $ 75.00
Resale/Transfer Fee of lot with Rights Certificate by cemetery $ 50.00
will be charged for new certificate plus current cornerstone fee,
if applicable
Excavation of lots for burial are an extra cost to the owner or estate $ 1,130.00
This includes grass & lowering device. (Payable to contractor)
Gravestone and foundations, payable to Monument businesses.
A free standing structure for cremated remains and each unit in it is called a niche
Top Row $ 1,400.00 per niche *($210.00)
Second Row from Top $ 1,300.00 per niche *($195.00)
Third Row from Top $ 1,200.00 per niche *($180.00)
Bottom Row $ 1,100.00 per niche *($165.00)
* Included in this cost is 15%, as indicated above,
that goes into a Care & Maintenance Fund
Inscription Fee
"The Lord's Prayer" Columbarium FULL
"In a quiet peaceful cemetery" Columbarium (per niche) $ 375.00
"The Lord is my shepherd" Columbarium (per niche) $ 565.00
(Final date &/or lettering &/or etching, after initial inscription fee,
will be billed to the owner or estate at the Cemetery Board's cost)
Opening & Closing fee for niche, each time $ 75.00
Inurnment Fee (Administration)
per cremated remains at time of placement $ 150.00
Resale/Transfer Fee with Rights Certificate by cemetery $ 50.00
will be charged for new certificate
Additional fees, if requested
Chair rental (24 chairs) for service at cemetery $ 50.00
Tent rental (10' x 20') for coverage from inclement
weather or heat $ 50.00
For additional resources and information regarding the bereavement process, please visit the Bereavement Authority of Ontario at their website,, for a free Guide to Death Care in Ontario